By Brian Hefty

I don’t care if we’re talking small grains or soybeans, if you have 12-inch rows or smaller you need tramlines!  Here’s what tramlines are and what they can do for you.

Tramlines have been used successfully for decades in ultra-narrow row crops by simply diverting seed from two rows to the rows right next to them.  This does two things.  First, it creates a nice path where your tractor or sprayer can run during the growing season without smashing down any plants.  Second, it puts more seed next to the open space, meaning those plants will get taller and bush out more, thereby helping to “canopy” each track.  Don’t ever forget that crop canopy is the best weed killer there is, far better than any herbicide.

Tramline systems are available from many companies, and they allow the drill or air seeder to automatically divert the seed when necessary to create the tramlines.

Once tramlines are in place, you can then do your own ground applications of herbicide, insecticide, fungicide, fertilizer, or natural products to protect the crop and enhance yield.  This allows you to save money on the applications and the products, as well as be more timely.  Tramlines also allow you to more easily operate your equipment, since you can see exactly where to drive.  Tramlines help minimize overall field compaction by controlling exactly where traffic runs.  You will also eliminate overlaps when spraying.

Tramline systems are very inexpensive, and if you have small grains, soybeans, or any other crop in 12-inch rows or less, they will quickly provide a great return on investment.